Dream, Act, Achieve
Shooting Star Success Fundamentals
"Success is like a lock combination to a safe, if you know the combination, it does not matter who you are, the lock to the safe will open.” Orrin Hudson, Chess Champion.
What are your innermost dreams or goals? Do you have that feeling deep in your heart that you were meant to do or be more? Do you sometimes get a glimpse of your life purpose but then put it aside because now is not the right time and you have competing priorities and responsibilities? What if I told you that success in all areas of your life is not out of reach and only requires learning and following time tested success principles that always work when you work them?
Join our Shooting Star Success Fundamental program that will provide you with an actionable plan to Get You from Where You are to Where You Want to Be. We will work together to rediscover your life’s purpose, decide what you want and take actions to actualize your dreams, goals and life purpose.
Upcoming Sessions: Ongoing Enrollment
Session Duration: 5-weeks
Session Time: Saturdays 12 pm-2 pm
Program Cost: $1500
Clarify Your Life’s Purpose - Living with intention brings meaning, joy, and fulfillment.
Find Balance – The Wheel of Life will assess where you are and where you want to go.
Dream Without Limits – Reignite your imagination and create a vision that excites you.
Master the Tools for Success – This includes taking 100% responsibility, believing in possibilities, taking action through mind maps, and leveraging the Law of Attraction to align your thoughts with your desires.
Celebrate clarity of purpose - Every step proves you are moving toward the person you were meant to be.

Shooting Star Success Principles
A series of Blog Stories to Motivate and Inspire you to get from where you are to where you want to be.